Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seventy Four.

This post is specially made (requested by) for my friends:-
Jenny, Pieqa, Zul, Afiq, Raje Athira & Megat.

So yesterday was Malaysia day..
Cuti lah kan..
But on Tuesday was my birthday.
Sebelum ni, a few years back then aku selalu jadi annoying kat kekawan baik aku.
Which is ada satu group sekolah aku dulu lah..
We've been stay together since school lagi..

So in whatsapp group aku selalu mengada dengan dorang
Malam sebelum birthday aku, aku cakap kat dorang tak payah nak tunggu until midnight to wish me..
Hahhaaha.. Annoying nak mampus kan..
And I've requested for a birthday surprise since a few years back..

Dorang semua malas nak layan..
Actually aku tau kalau aku annoying macam tu siapa nak buat kan..
So this year aku minta lagi..

But this time they've made it!

Thank you guys!!

So it started from Jenny!
Dia text aku before birthday. She wanna buy me a sushi.
I was like okay. Why not and I have to keep this secret from others.
Which is aku tak boleh tanya dia from group whatsapp dia dah warning awal awal dah..
Kau memang pandai berlakon..
Mesti sebab selalu jadi extra kan :p

So yesterday aku pun keluar la ngan dia..
She changed the plan.. Dia ajak Pieqa sekali..

Aku okay jela.. Tak suspect apa apa pun..
Sebab masa tu macam tengah mengidam sushi kot..
Tak kisah dah. Asalkan dapat baham sushi..
On our way to sushi tetiba Jenny kata makcik dia kirim something.
She stayed in Bukit Indah.
Bukan main lagi dia minta maaf sebab plan ke sushi macam lewat sikit sebab nak bawa dia ke Bukit Indah..
Makteh kauuu.. 

Then we went to Bukit Indah..
Cari punya cari rumah makcik dia..

Minta alamat bagai la kekonon..
Last last so called makteh dia suruh tunggu kat this one cafe name The Neighbors..
Dah sampai cafe tu aku malas la nak kuar kereta since dia nak jumpa makcik dia

Aku stay in the car jela
Tetiba Jenny ajak Pieqa keluar sekali..
Tapi masa tu Pieqa macam malas nak keluar dari kereta gak..
But then Pieqa paksa aku keluar gak..
Sebab dia kata dia nak tutup enjin kereta..

So aku ikut la dorang jalan jalan sementara tunggu makteh Jenny tu sampai..

Then Jenny macam tetiba letak shawl yang dia nak bagi kat makcik dia tu kat aku..

Aku macam.. Kau dah kenapa nak suruh aku try shawl kau ni ke?
Aku pun dok melayan lah dia kekonon shawl tu jadi mafla kat leher tu.
Wtf gila masa tu..
Tetiba shawl tu dah kat mata aku..
Then they dragged me into the cafe...

Taddaaa.. There they were.. Sang a birthday song for me..


Aku tengok tengok ada Zul, Afiq, Raje, and Megat.
With a big candle on the cake..
Aku dah tergelak besar dah kat situ..
Malu gila kot.
Dah la ada oarang lain kat situ..
Kah kah kah..

Thank you so much guys..

This is the best surprise ever..
I ain't gonna forget this one..
Sebab aku dah post kat sini kan..

Dengan dorang ni je aku boleh request benda benda pelik.
Sebab dorang mesti taknak layan aku.
13 years and counting.
Thank you for the birthday surprise korang

This is me when I get too EXCITED!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Seventy Three.

It's my birthday yay..
So for the first time after I don't remember for how long I didn't receive any birthday surprise..
I received them yesterday..
First, someone I used to fancy back then. 
Dia bagi a present to me. Siap datang rumah.
We talked a bit.. I hope everything gonna be okay to you.
I really appreciate it! Thank you :)

Lepas tu aku masuk rumah la semula..
Then orang bukit called.
Dia suruh aku pergi keluar balik.. 

Aku macam.. Aku baru masuk ni kau dah kenapa nak suruh aku keluar balik noob?!

So aku keluar la..
So there was Jenny and Pieqa holding a cake and balloons..

A lot of balloons..
Red and white balloons..
The cake was very good.
Thank you for the early present noob.
Walaupun kau noob, kau buat aku terkejut la juga dengan kau punya arrangement semalam.
Kah kah kah...

 And thanks to Jenny and Pieqa for yesterday night..
I really appreciate it.
You guys rock. You guys are the best.
To Syuk juga..
Dia lah yang paling awal bagi aku hadiah.

Thank you Syukkkk!!

Not forgotten to others,
Afzan, Dele, Atikah, Felix, Spark, Ijat, Ain, Dr Amnor, Sue..
Thank you sebab melayan aku selama ni.
I really appreciate the video and the present..

Thank you for all kind wishes to everyone who wished me.


P/s: Last year masa celebrate birthday dengan syuk pun aku pakai serba merah. Last night pun sama.. Lol... Not to mention the same sweatpants! Hahahaha

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Seven Two.

So I'm currently addicted to this game called DOTA2
Bukannya game baru pun..
Aku dah main dota ni since masa study lagi..
Tapi masa tu dota lama lah..
Ni dah dota baru ni aku baru start main hardcore..
Sebelum ni kekejap je..

Currently I'm so happy..
Ada pizza for lunch..
And it came to my by surprise..
That noob person send the pizza over the delivery guy..
Aku macam..
Eh siapa pula mamat ni..
Tetiba bawa makanan cari aku.
Then tahu lah aku siapa punya kerja..
Enjoy your lunch too noob!!
Kah kah kah