We've finally watched The Incredibles 2..
It was so fun!!
The action, the drama acewahh..
And how they figured out Jack Jack's powers..
It's just sooooo great!!
Sama macam Ocean's 8!
Both are great movie..
Thanks Aiman for the Ocean's 8 and duit raya and the dinner and the ride to the movie and home..
So what I've learn from that movie?
Dia macam ni..
Korang pernah tak rasa rimas or bosan dengan cara orang layan korang?
Tapi sebenarnya orang yang buat korang macam tu dia ambil berat pasal kita.
Macam parents kita..
Dia membebel, marah, nasihat, dan buat memacam yang kita tak suka..
Tapi actually itu untuk kebaikan kita sendiri..
Dan kita tak tau apa yang dorang dah berkorban untuk kita.
And that's apply to you too Monster..
You cared so much about me back then but I didn't see it..
I took you for granted and casted you away...
And the funny thing is now I wanna do the same to you if you let me.
I wanna take care of you like how you did to me..
Sounds cliche but this time I won't repeat the same mistakes..
If you ever give me another chance...
Annnnddd today adik sedara aku tunang..
From OU TO AU.. Lol.. We had our lunch/ dinner at OU And then we went to AU2 for the movie.. Pergi OU semata nak makan je. ahahaha |