Okay aku baru lepas habis tengok FRIENDS series...
Dah 3 kali aku repeat the series..
Walaupun 3 kali tengok tu benda yang sama lol..
Tapi ada part yang susah aku nak tengok dalam series tu..
Masa part Ross break up with Rachel...
They both are meant to be together (in that show of course)
Obviously both of them are not getting over each other even they both dated several people throughout the series...
Satu lagi part aku tak suka tengok masa Joey dengan Rachel like dating...
Awkward nak mampus lol
In an interview Jennifer also said the entire cast tak suka Joey and Rachel dating...
Sebab Ross and Rachel are meant to be together!
And part yang paling aku suka dalam series to ialah masa Phoebe jumpa Mike...
Gosh they both pun really great together...
They both wanted different things in a relationships but they both working on it and make it work!
Tu yang best pasal Phoebe and Mike...
Of course Chandler and Monica pun quite sweet sebab dari kawan dorang jadi lovebirds kan...
And the funniest episode about them yang "The one everybody finds out"
Yang Ross tengok dorang making out through the window... Hahahahaahaha That was so funny I laugh every single time I watch Phoebe called Ross to jump with her and Rachel to avoid Ross from finds out about Chandler and Monica...
Also satu lagi aku perasan dalam series tu kan..
6 orang tu semua pernah merasa broke..
Rachel yang pertama broke lepas dia lari dari wedding dia and cakap kat parents dia nak berdikari and staying with Monica..
Lepas tu Monica kot lepas dia quit kerja dia and buat catering
Lepas tu Joey pula (kot gak) lepas movie yang dia involved cancel and also his character in Soap Opera mati.. Tapi dia masuk balik dalam Soap Opera tu after a few episodes...
Phoebe pula kena buang kerja lepas dia kiss client dia lol.. Turned out her client was married...
Lepas tu Ross pula lepas dia ada issue dengan anger management...
Dia cakap dia tak kena fired tapi dicutikan tapi agak lama la dia kena cuti dari kerja kat museum tu..
Lastly dia dapat kerja as a professor in a college..
And then Chandler masa dia rasa dia nak buat something yang dia enjoy...
So dia quit jadi something IT related thingy and try doing something new which is...........
Marketing ke production ke apa tah... Lol
See? Even series tu kelakar kelakar buat lawak bebodoh tapi ada je message yg dorang sampaikan..
As I'm getting older I'm trynna see what kind of messages they're trying to send out..
So, ada lah sikit sikit kita boleh apply in our daily life...
Haha macam tu lah hidupp
Kekadang kita kat atas tapi kekadang kita juga kat bawah
Tapi kita lupa yang kita boleh gak ada kat kiri or kanan....
Hahahahaha amendeeee merepek..
So macam tu lah post aku kali ni..
Merepek sikit..
And tbh aku dah tak rasa apa apa dah regarding past few months incident..
It's quite funny to think about it too...
How people could manipulate and make things like you're the only one having problems but actually they need a mirror to see and reflect themselves..
To you, I hope you're happy now and I hope you'll find what you need in your life..
Appreciating actually is more than saying "I appreciated you"
The way you talk, how you treat people, your actions are also the way to show to them..
Soo.. Yeah.. Macam tu lah..
Rambut sama hitam (unless kau kaler warna lain lah) tapi hati lain lain..
Ha camtuu lahh.. Haha..
Someone told me this "If the person changed and/or don't put you in their life plans, then you should realize that you're not that wanted in their life"
Also that person added "lol" at the end of the sentence...